Saeed Anwar bio photo

Saeed Anwar

I'm Assistant Professer at KFUPM, Honorary Faculty at ANU, Visiting Fellow at UTS and Honorary Assistant Professor at UC.

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Prospective Students

If you are an excellent student and interested to undertake a research based degree at ANU focussed in Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition and/or Image Processing, please drop me an email with your CV and a brief research proposal. We can then discuss potential research projects and scholarships available to you. Below, I summarize the scholarships for which you may be eligible.

Data61 Scholarships

Data61 (CSIRO) provides generous support to PhD students in the form of full scholarships (same rate as Australian Postgraduate Award) or top-up stipends ($10,000 per annum) for a duation of up to 3.5 years. Each year, these scholarships are normally offered in two rounds (normally around August and March). You will still need to apply at the partner university (ANU) and follow their normal application procedure.

Note that the application dates for domestic and international applicants may be different!

You can find more information about the eligiblity requirements, application procedure and key dates [You can find more information about the eligiblity requirements, application procedure and key dates CSIRO and Data61.

ANU Scholarships

A number of scholarships are available at ANU. You can find more details on the links below:

You will be required to fulfill English language requirements at ANU (details available here.

If you are an international student, you may be eligible for other scholarships such as the following: